녹스 앱플레이어로 Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 플레이하기
Please note that this is only demo version with a limited content, for full access please purchase paid version here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitzooma.blackborder
Black Border is a border cop simulator game 🛂 that simulates the life of a real border patrol officer 👮. In this game, you assume the role of a police officer of the border present at the entry and exit gates of the country you work and live in. You the player is supposed to check the passengers' papers and stop the smuggling of illegal items and bribery.
As a border officer 👮, you must check entrants' papers and use all of your devices and tools to arrest people like terrorists, wanted criminals, smugglers, and passengers with forged or stolen documents.
Black border game is a police simulator that turns you into a cop officer who serves his nation by stopping unethical acts. You can become an patrol officer to identify smuggler and other criminals. Meanwhile, attest and verify the papers and documents of innocent people and let them proceed and cross the border safely.
This new border cop simulator game has intuitive controls. You can also tweak the graphics, volume, and speed of the game. You can also play this game in different languages such as English, Arabic, German, Spanish, Polish, Japanese etc... And more are to come!
Border office duty is centring around enforcing the security on site and also control the transportation of prohibited items like weapons, antiques, toxic, narcotics, illegal medicine and other forbidden items. Black Border Simulator Game is a great combination of border police force games, border patrol games, and other cop simulator games.
Black Border adds a feature not present in the types of games mentioned above: Character customization! You can create and customize your own character by choosing various hairstyles, clothes, accessories etc.… Once you are done you can share your creation and on social media! You can even customize the background for some improved immersion!
✅ Check the full name of each passenger to be the same in all the papers.
✅ Check The weight and height of the passengers.
✅ Check the expiry date of their passport and other papers.
✅ Frisk passengers for weapons, illegal items, chips, and prevent their entrance to the country if necessary.
✅ Check passengers' faces to be the same as the photos in their documents.
✅ Arrest suspicious passengers.
This border simulator game has plenty of functions that can keep you interested for a while! Some of them are:
✨ Casual and story modes.
✨ New stories continuously getting added.
✨ Multiple endings.
✨ Endless mode (Soon).
✨ Family cost management.
✨ Opposition Groups Communication.
✨ Support multiple languages.
✨ Graphic quality from low to high.
✨ SFX volume and music volume controls.
✨ Message speed variant from very slow to very fast.
✨ New game modes continuously getting added.
✨ Character design (Wide range of customization options).
✨ User-friendly and dynamic interface.
✨ Beautiful art.
✨ Many stories with lots of adventure.
Play border police simulation games to experience a new touch in your gaming life! 👮
Follow our official socials to get updates:
Website: https://blackbordergame.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blackbordergame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blackbordergame
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyI-eZJNH8Gq4loPFiSDpRQ
We appreciate it if you kindly let us know your detailed feedbacks. Please tell us your ideas via this email address [email protected].
Black Border is a border cop simulator game 🛂 that simulates the life of a real border patrol officer 👮. In this game, you assume the role of a police officer of the border present at the entry and exit gates of the country you work and live in. You the player is supposed to check the passengers' papers and stop the smuggling of illegal items and bribery.
As a border officer 👮, you must check entrants' papers and use all of your devices and tools to arrest people like terrorists, wanted criminals, smugglers, and passengers with forged or stolen documents.
The Main Objective Is: STOP CRIME 👮👮
Black border game is a police simulator that turns you into a cop officer who serves his nation by stopping unethical acts. You can become an patrol officer to identify smuggler and other criminals. Meanwhile, attest and verify the papers and documents of innocent people and let them proceed and cross the border safely.
This new border cop simulator game has intuitive controls. You can also tweak the graphics, volume, and speed of the game. You can also play this game in different languages such as English, Arabic, German, Spanish, Polish, Japanese etc... And more are to come!
Border office duty is centring around enforcing the security on site and also control the transportation of prohibited items like weapons, antiques, toxic, narcotics, illegal medicine and other forbidden items. Black Border Simulator Game is a great combination of border police force games, border patrol games, and other cop simulator games.
Black Border adds a feature not present in the types of games mentioned above: Character customization! You can create and customize your own character by choosing various hairstyles, clothes, accessories etc.… Once you are done you can share your creation and on social media! You can even customize the background for some improved immersion!
The followings are some things that the border officer (you) is supposed to check carefully to prevent illegal border crossing:
✅ Check the full name of each passenger to be the same in all the papers.
✅ Check The weight and height of the passengers.
✅ Check the expiry date of their passport and other papers.
✅ Frisk passengers for weapons, illegal items, chips, and prevent their entrance to the country if necessary.
✅ Check passengers' faces to be the same as the photos in their documents.
✅ Arrest suspicious passengers.
Black Border Game Features:
This border simulator game has plenty of functions that can keep you interested for a while! Some of them are:
✨ Casual and story modes.
✨ New stories continuously getting added.
✨ Multiple endings.
✨ Endless mode (Soon).
✨ Family cost management.
✨ Opposition Groups Communication.
✨ Support multiple languages.
✨ Graphic quality from low to high.
✨ SFX volume and music volume controls.
✨ Message speed variant from very slow to very fast.
✨ New game modes continuously getting added.
✨ Character design (Wide range of customization options).
✨ User-friendly and dynamic interface.
✨ Beautiful art.
✨ Many stories with lots of adventure.
Play border police simulation games to experience a new touch in your gaming life! 👮
Follow our official socials to get updates:
Website: https://blackbordergame.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blackbordergame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blackbordergame
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyI-eZJNH8Gq4loPFiSDpRQ
We appreciate it if you kindly let us know your detailed feedbacks. Please tell us your ideas via this email address [email protected].

녹스 앱플레이어로Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo)PC버전 즐기는 방법
1녹스 앱플레이어를 다운 받기
2녹스 앱플레이어를 설치하기
3검색창에 Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 검색하기
4녹스 스토어에서 게임 설치하기
5설치 완료 후 게임 실행하기
6PC에서 큰 스크린으로 발열 현상 없이 Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 즐겨 보세요!
빠른 설치
방법 1. "PC버전 다운로드"를 클릭하여 녹스 앱플레이어와 게임 APK 파일을 한 번에 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 다운로드한 후 앱플레이어 가동이 가능합니다.
방법 2. 녹스 앱플레이어가 이미 설치된 경우는, "APK 다운로드" 클릭하여 파일을 다운로드 후에 해당 파일을 앱플레이어에 드래그하시면 자동 설치 가능합니다.
Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 녹스 플레이 영상
Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo), 아직도 핸드폰으로 Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 플레이하고 계시나요? 녹스 앱플레이어로 Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 플레이하면 더 큰 스크린으로 게임을 체험할 수 있으며 키보드, 마우스를 이용해 더 완벽하게 게임을 컨트롤할 수 있습니다. PC로 녹스에서 Black Border Patrol Sim (Demo) 게임 다운로드 및 설치하고 핸드폰 배터리 용량을 인한 발열현상을 걱정 안하셔도 되니까 매우 편할 겁니다.
최신버전의 녹스 앱플레이어에서는 호환성과 안전성이 완벽한 안드로이드 7버전을 지원되며 완벽한 게임 플레이 만나게 될 겁니다. 게임 유저의 입장에서 설정된 맞춤형 가상키 세팅을 통해서 마침 PC 게임 플레이하고 있는 것처럼 모바일 게임을 플레이하게 될 겁니다.
녹스 앱플레이어에서 멀티 플레이도 지원 가능합니다. 여러 앱과 게임 동시에 실행 가능하며 많은 즐거움을 동시에 누릴 수 있습니다. 녹스는 최강의 안드로이드 모바일 에뮬레이터로써 AMD, Intel 기기와 완벽한 호환성을 가지고 있기에 부드럽고 가벼운 녹스에서 최상의 게임 체험 만나볼수 있을 겁니다. 녹스 앱플레이어, PC에서 즐기는 모바일 라이프! 지금 바로 다운로드하세요!
최신버전의 녹스 앱플레이어에서는 호환성과 안전성이 완벽한 안드로이드 7버전을 지원되며 완벽한 게임 플레이 만나게 될 겁니다. 게임 유저의 입장에서 설정된 맞춤형 가상키 세팅을 통해서 마침 PC 게임 플레이하고 있는 것처럼 모바일 게임을 플레이하게 될 겁니다.
녹스 앱플레이어에서 멀티 플레이도 지원 가능합니다. 여러 앱과 게임 동시에 실행 가능하며 많은 즐거움을 동시에 누릴 수 있습니다. 녹스는 최강의 안드로이드 모바일 에뮬레이터로써 AMD, Intel 기기와 완벽한 호환성을 가지고 있기에 부드럽고 가벼운 녹스에서 최상의 게임 체험 만나볼수 있을 겁니다. 녹스 앱플레이어, PC에서 즐기는 모바일 라이프! 지금 바로 다운로드하세요!
인기 게임
녹스 앱플레이어는 윈도우와 맥 PC에서 실행할 수 있습니다. 컴퓨터로 홈페이지를 방문해 녹스 앱플레이어를 다운로드하세요.