Playform: Soccer Training PC 버전, 컴퓨터에서 설치하고 안전하게 즐기자 - 녹스 앱플레이어

Playform: Soccer Training PC버전 다운로드

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녹스 앱플레이어를 사용해 큰 스크린으로 발열현상 없이 게임을 마음껏 즐겨 보세요!

녹스 앱플레이어로 Playform: Soccer Training 플레이하기


업데이트 날짜 :  2022-05-13        현재 버전 :
Playform- Your Personal Soccer Digital Coach!
The best Soccer Training App is entering new frontiers in the soccer training world. Don’t believe us? Scroll down to see Playform’s elite soccer training features.

What does my digital soccer coach do?
There’s practically nothing your virtual football trainer can’t do. By using an integrated and AI-driven technological enhancer, our real-time measuring app can tell you exactly what you are doing right, Playmaker, and where you are going wrong.

Metrics That Matter The Most 🏆
Measure your soccer drills and check out your performance with on-field measurements. Whether you want to gain insights on your drills on the soccer field or want to optimize your drills that are doable from home, Platform offers both options, giving you the freedom to train when and where you want. Your virtual soccer coach goes everywhere with you! Become a playmaker.

Personalized Football Training
At Playform, we believe that practice makes perfect and each soccer player should have a personalized approach to boost their soccer skills. This is why our digital soccer coach will formulate training programs tailor-made just for you, so that you can boost your performance and reach your highest potential. This customized daily plan is solely based on your performance and will boost your soccer skills with the ultimate soccer practice plan.

Your customized soccer training includes; ⭐
👍 A daily training plan that can include the likes of “Practice & Measure” soccer skill drill such as ball control and passes, juggling, physical stamina tests, and so much more.
👍 Get access to practice sessions with personalized inputs
👍 You also get a customized scorecard to track your performance and your best results, like this you’ll never lose touch of where you’re at.

More Football Training Features You Will Love;
✔️ Take part in challenges and tournaments & show off your soccer skills
What soccer player doesn’t like a good challenge? Just like Techne Futbol, Dribble up soccer, Team snap and Box-to-Box, you get to play against other fantastic soccer players on the soccer training app. Use soccer shooting drills and soccer passing drills to see who is best!
✔️ Win exciting prizes
Show off your soccer passing drills and your general soccer drills and who knows, you may win prizes at the next Playform challenge!
✔️ Break your personal record and enhance your soccer skills with personalized soccer workouts!
You can have football workouts anytime, anywhere. We also believe that football practice should also be fun! Practice your football drills and share with your friends so that you’ve got the motivation to keep you going!

Youth Soccer Players- Best Soccer Lessons
Use Playform to boost young and aspiring soccer players, too. This type of digital football practice is the ultimate method for kids to practice football on-field & off-field, anytime, anywhere. There’s a plethora of soccer drills for kids, including soccer passing drills, football workouts, and football practice. Give your child the freedom of expression with Playform’s football training app. This app offers the ultimate soccer lessons for u10 soccer drills, u12 soccer drills & soccer drills for 5 yr old.

How Is Playform Different From Other Apps? 🥇
You can get an array of football training & soccer drills videos from many apps such as Techne Futbol, Chelsea Academy’s Perfect Play, Team snap & Dribble Up soccer. Playform gives you real time feedback as you play & you will be able to get constructive tips & personalized training programs that will enhance your soccer performance. This is exceptionally sophisticated and aids in soccer drills for u10 & soccer drills for kids in any age group; enhancing their soccer practice!

녹스 앱플레이어로Playform: Soccer TrainingPC버전 즐기는 방법

  • 1녹스 앱플레이어를 다운 받기

  • 2녹스 앱플레이어를 설치하기

  • 3검색창에 Playform: Soccer Training 검색하기

  • 4녹스 스토어에서 게임 설치하기

  • 5설치 완료 후 게임 실행하기

  • 6PC에서 큰 스크린으로 발열 현상 없이 Playform: Soccer Training 즐겨 보세요!

빠른 설치

방법 1. "PC버전 다운로드"를 클릭하여 녹스 앱플레이어와 게임 APK 파일을 한 번에 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 다운로드한 후 앱플레이어 가동이 가능합니다.

방법 2. 녹스 앱플레이어가 이미 설치된 경우는, "APK 다운로드" 클릭하여 파일을 다운로드 후에 해당 파일을 앱플레이어에 드래그하시면 자동 설치 가능합니다.

Playform: Soccer Training 녹스 플레이 영상

Playform: Soccer Training, 아직도 핸드폰으로 Playform: Soccer Training 플레이하고 계시나요? 녹스 앱플레이어로 Playform: Soccer Training 플레이하면 더 큰 스크린으로 게임을 체험할 수 있으며 키보드, 마우스를 이용해 더 완벽하게 게임을 컨트롤할 수 있습니다. PC로 녹스에서 Playform: Soccer Training 게임 다운로드 및 설치하고 핸드폰 배터리 용량을 인한 발열현상을 걱정 안하셔도 되니까 매우 편할 겁니다.
최신버전의 녹스 앱플레이어에서는 호환성과 안전성이 완벽한 안드로이드 7버전을 지원되며 완벽한 게임 플레이 만나게 될 겁니다. 게임 유저의 입장에서 설정된 맞춤형 가상키 세팅을 통해서 마침 PC 게임 플레이하고 있는 것처럼 모바일 게임을 플레이하게 될 겁니다.
녹스 앱플레이어에서 멀티 플레이도 지원 가능합니다. 여러 앱과 게임 동시에 실행 가능하며 많은 즐거움을 동시에 누릴 수 있습니다. 녹스는 최강의 안드로이드 모바일 에뮬레이터로써 AMD, Intel 기기와 완벽한 호환성을 가지고 있기에 부드럽고 가벼운 녹스에서 최상의 게임 체험 만나볼수 있을 겁니다. 녹스 앱플레이어, PC에서 즐기는 모바일 라이프! 지금 바로 다운로드하세요!

인기 게임


녹스 앱플레이어는 윈도우와 맥 PC에서 실행할 수 있습니다. 컴퓨터로 홈페이지를 방문해 녹스 앱플레이어를 다운로드하세요.